
Matthew 6:11, 25-33; Psalm 37

Here Jesus invites all of us to take a look at our ambitions and ask ourselves if they line up with "the Kingdom" and "His righteousness", and then to make some adjustments.

In this message I quote Martin Luther. I don't know if you ever considered the birds of the air to be our teachers and "preachers" but perhaps we need to. 

Hopefully this wets your appetite to hear more.

“Martin Luther made birds his schoolmasters and teachers. Whenever you are listening to a nightingale you are listening to an excellent preacher. It is as if he were saying ‘I prefer to be in the Lord’s kitchen. He has made heaven and earth and he himself is the cook and the host. Every day he feeds and nourishes innumerable little birds out of his hand.”  

Isn’t it amazing that God would use the tiny sparrow to teach us something of the Lord’s faithfulness? It reminds me of my need to be humble, and the reminder that the Lord often uses the small to train the wise.   Consider the least of these…the kingdom belongs to such as these.  

Similar thought came from Charles Spurgeon who penned these words.  

“Lovely lilies, how you rebuke our foolish nervousness.”    

Maybe you have heard this poem before.  

“Said the robin to the sparrow: I should like to know why these anxious human beings rush about and worry so.  

Said the sparrow to the robin: Friend, I think that it must be that they have no heavenly Father, such as cares for you and me.”