One of the things that has always struck me as strange is that Jesus let himself be baptized by John. As John himself points out, it should be Jesus who is baptizing John, not the other way around. 
Now, the temptation here is for Jesus to grab onto his superior position and have John baptize him - establish the hierarchy and more importantly, lay hold of his identity as the Son of God. To step forward and grab it for himself.
Yet, Jesus submits himself to John and waits on the Father. And what happens? As he comes out of the water, the Father speaks in unmistakable terms - this is one of the few moments in history where heaven has broken into earth - and says: "This is my son, whom I love."
The temptation for us is the same: it is to go out and grab our identity ourselves - to put ourselves forward and tell other people who we are. However, if we wait on God - if we humble ourselves and let God speak for us... well, you see what happened for Jesus.