Here's Brene Brown's follow-up talk on Vulnerability entitled "Listening to Shame". You can find it at the link below.

As I litened to Brene's talk I was reminded of Sandra Wilson's book entitled "Released from Shame." A book God used big-time in my own healing journey. 

He came to set us free from shame and guilt. Jesus Himself declared in John 8:32 That "you will know the truth (and continue to know the truth), and the truth will set you free."

Galatians 3:13 reminds us that "Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the Law. When He was hung on the cross, He took upon Himself the curse for our wrongdoing."

Paul followed Christ's example and invitation to live in truth, and lived a life of total vulnerability. He knew Jesus love, that he was forgiven, set free to be who he was created to be. He was able to risk failure because he knew God's love for him wasn't dependant upon his perfection. He was in relationship with the One who modeled absolute empathy, grace and forgiveness. Because of this Paul was able to live a whole complete life; full of courage, innovation, creativity and change.

I know there is some "language" in Brene's TED Talk, but I encourage you to overlook that, and listen for Jesus' message in her talk. Even though she doesn't use biblical references, her talk is totally scriptural. The truth is that in Christ, we are all the more able to live out the premis of her message. Jesus modelled it. Paul lived it. We are invited to press into this truth as well, knowing full well we have the Holy Spirit in us to make it a reality.