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Pete Scazzer's Daily Office Week 6 Discover the Rhythms of the Daily Office and Sabbath pages 97-113

Sacred Space

Mark Buchanan The Rest of God

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero (page  153-173).


This is your opportunity to do either one as a group in order to practice quiet listening, practicing what it means to surrender to God in trust.

Walk your Simple Church through "Giving Jesus First Word" or Pete Scazzero's Daily Office (I suggest Daily Office Week 6 / Day 1 - Midday-Evening Prayer).

Here is Giving Jesus First Word.


We all agree that Jesus is the head of the Church; that He loves the Church; that He desires to lead it; and that He is still speaking to it. We also agree that in this Church, before we are leaders or pastors or house church facilitators, we are followers. We are people who are seeking to “follow” Jesus as the true head of the Church. And in this, we are people that long to hear His voice. As “under-shepherds” we need to hear the True Shepherd speak his heart to us.

Given this, doesn’t it make sense that we give Him “the floor” first? Of course it does. Before we get talking (and yes, through our talking, let’s believe that he’s also talking) let’s take a moment to quiet ourselves and give him the floor. Let us be still and let the Shepherd talk.

Certainly, all of us are different in this. Some of us hear the voice of Jesus primarily through His written Word. Great. Other’s of us are dream seers and voice hearers and picture seers. Also great. Below are a few questions that will allow us all to step back and quiet our hearts. Regardless of your instinct and giftedness, the point of this exercise is the same: to allow Jesus to speak to us, and then through us to this gathering of his people.

The Questions

Just reflect on the ones that jumps out at you. This exercise should take 20 minutes.

1. What of God’s character traits does he want you thinking about? Ask Him. What stands out to you? Why is this important for you/us?

2. Is there a passage of scripture that he wants to lay on your heart? Something that might be significant for all of us in this season of our life? Maybe you came with something already stirring in you. Why is this important? Ask him. Meditate on it. Dig into it.

3. Dreamers, picture seers: Is there a picture you are seeing? A dream of the Lord for us? How does the Lord see us? Ask Him to show you.

4. Is there a great burden on your heart? Is it from God? Ask Jesus to reveal to you what this is about. What does he want you to do with it? Is it for the rest of us to know and help carry?

5. Imagine that Jesus is giving you a gift. What is written on the tag? What is the gift? Or imagine there is a great banner spread over our gathering. What is the word written on that banner?

6. Anything else the Lord wants to put on your heart? Ask Him, “Spirit, is there anything you want to speak to me about today?

Talk about your experience?
