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Pete Scazzero's Daily Office Week 6 Discover the Rhythms of the Daily Office and Sabbath pages 97-113

Sacred Space

Mark Buchanan The Rest of God

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero (page  153-173).


Option one is that you walk your Simple Church through Pete Scazzero's Daily Office (I suggest Daily Office Week 6 / Day 2 on).

Or begin by reading Sabbath Prayer out of Shane Claiborn's "Common Prayer: A Liturgy For Ordinary Radicals"

Here's the link

Afterwards ask yourself these questions:

1) Anything resonate in this prayer? Or in Darcy's teaching on Sunday? 

2) What does your spiritual rhythm look like? What's working? What's not? What do you want to see tweaked?

3) What are the Pharoah's and Task-Masters that "fall" you? In other words, what are you a slave to that robs your ability to rest in God on a weekly basis? How can that change? Do you want it to change?

4) What do you want this rhythm of new life look like for you? Remember, make small goals for yourself. It has to work for you.

5) What can you do to help make Sabbath life giving? Help you improve your communion with God. To help you cultivate your friendship or communion with God? Remember, what you do on Sabbath needs to be life giving, energizing, and re-creating. But it has to be more than a day off. There is a sacred element to Sabbath. What will that look like for you?

Talk about what's on your heart.

Pray into it together.