
Luke 5:17-26

To give you as a listener of where we went this Sunday, here is an opening few lines...

Interesting that immediately following Jesus’ wilderness experience, Jesus enters Capernaum and is teaching in the synagogue and scripture says that a man who was demonized began shouting at Jesus, “Go away! Why are you interfering with us?”  


This man is in the synagogue, listening to Jesus, and the very presence of Jesus begins to agitate the darkness that was I this man.  


Tells me again that Jesus doesn’t just come to comfort us, but at times has to disturb us, interfere with the darkness inside of us.  


Praise God He does that. In order to get us to a place of wholeness often takes some disruption, some agitation.


  I like what Gordon T Smith says in his book “The Voice of Jesus”.   “He says that sometimes Jesus’ agenda for us is that we are comforted and encouraged. Our inner fears are calmed and our heads are lifted up as we are enabled to see further and shake off the propensity towards self pity and self absorption...


But the Spirit doesn’t just give us an assurance of love that affirms our positions of power, comfort and ease. We can’t assume that just because we are enjoying these things that we are experiencing God’s blessing.  


He goes on to say that “We must be alert to the ways in which Jesus wants to disturb us rather than comfort us.”

I want you to think how the Lord might be disturbing you, interfering with you, stirring up things in your life.